Internet of Things
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) creates enormous opportunities for business growth. It connects devices across a wide spectrum of industrial equipment and assets in industries like manufacturing, metal and mining, energy production, processing, transportation, and end-use applications. These connected devices share data that streamlines business processes and alerts companies to problems in real-time, or ahead of time for predictive maintenance.
The Heart of IoT is billions of interconnected devices with attached sensors and actuators that sense and control the physical world
IoT devices are embedded devices and maybe prototyped using customized microcontroller platforms, such as cortexM4, Arduino, with custom PCB developed at a later stage
Network design and management are essential within IoT, due to the sheer volume of connected devices and due to the impact that network design decisions can have at scale
Developers will need security and reliable ingest, store, and query the vast quantities of heterogeneous data originating from these devices.
To be truly intelligent, big data analytics needs to apply cognitive computing techniques drawn from data mining, modelling, statistics, machine learning and deep learning AI
Security is one of the most critical concerns in IoT, closely related to data ethics, privacy, and liability. It must be built in at every step of the design of the system
Services Offering For IOT Solutions

Streamline your path from initial idea to ready solution with our end-to-end Hardware & software development of IoT Nodes, gateways, Cloud Services, IoT dashboards, data analytics services, covering all the stages of your Complete product design cycles

IoT development is a bridge between device sensors, backend applications,s, and analytics. To test how an idea and/or project, it is advisable to opt for a low-risk proof of concept. The purpose of a prototype is to showcase a functional model of the solution around your idea and/or project, collect sample data, and evaluate its feasibility on a set timeline and a budget.

Our IoT experts ensure that the hardware and software work great together to deliver a truly connected experience. We have the required knowledge to provide comprehensive and affordable IoT testing services.

Our team performs robust backend engineering to securely connect with devices via industry standard protocols. From middleware platform integration to M2M communications, our team is well-versed to do it for you.
IOT Educational & Reasearch Platform
Artificial Internet of Things (IoT) promises to change the world by connecting devices in larger, more interoperable systems controlled by software and analytics. The objective of this platform is to enable students to understand, learn, and research the upcoming technologies in the field of IoT. As well, this lab will help academia to collaborate with Industries and projects.
IoT Educational & Research Platform -
Understanding of basic skills needed to implement IoT concept
Hardware Interfacing for IoT Development Platform
Analyzing & Decoding of Communication Protocol Used in IoT Development Platform
Operating Systems Used For IoT Development Platform
Programming Languages used in IoT Development Platform
Cloud Services used in IOT Development Platform